Jun 28

One Year After Harvey

One Year After Harvey

Twelve months after Hurricane Harvey left our community devastated, we have taken the time to reflect on all that has occurred since that catastrophic week. Many emotions resurface as we think back on those early days after the waters receded, but what we feel most strongly is gratitude.

We thank each of you who came to The Center’s rescue during a time when there was no opportunity for sadness and reflection. There were offices to be moved, people and programs to be relocated, emergency repair work to be completed before true restoration could begin, and clients who needed to be reassured that life at The Center as they knew it would continue for them. At times when the needs seemed overwhelming, there were helping hands that reached out to support us and get us back on our feet.

Before Cleanup 1

It is important that you know that we were grateful then and are perhaps even more grateful today after having time to realize the full impact of your gifts of time, supplies, and funds. Your support enabled us to take care of the basic needs of our clients, helped us rebuild our facilities and our community, and put us back on the path toward success. As you can tell from the photos, we have come a long way!

After Cleanup

Our hearts go out to those who still find themselves on the journey to recovery. On behalf of the clients, staff, and Board of Governors of The Center, we send you virtual hugs for being such a vital extension of our team when we needed you the most. We would not be where we are today without you!

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