4 Ways to Give


Recurring Monthly Gifts

Recurring gifts provide essential, reliable support for Pursuit Center's mission, helping us create sustainable pathways to independence. Set up automatic monthly or quarterly donations using a credit card through our online donation form. For bank account (ACH) donations, please contact development@pursuitcenter.org for details.

Matching Gift

If your company has a matching gift program, please forward the paperwork or contact development@pursuitcenter.org so that we can complete the non-profit portion.

Donate by Check

Please make your check payable to “Pursuit Center” and mail, along with a note with any special instructions, to the following address:

Pursuit Center
Attn: Development
4400 Harrisburg Blvd.
Houston, TX 77011

Donate by Credit Card

Pursuit Center accepts online donations using the above form. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

Pursuit Center clients posing for photo in front of an art car.


Pursuit Center client.

Shop to Give

If you are a Kroger customer, Kroger Community Rewards is an easy way to support Pursuit Center (The Center for Pursuit) while you shop!

  • Register your Kroger Plus Rewards card on Kroger’s website at www.krogercommunityrewards.com. Or, if you have already registered, simply log in!
  • Click on My Account, then select the Community Rewards button in the bottom right of the screen.
  • Search & Choose THE CENTER FOR PURSUIT or enter the organization number MU364.
  • Save the information & start shopping! We will receive a percentage of the cost of your purchases every time you shop at Kroger!

Legacy Gifts

Pursuit Center flower icon.


Including Pursuit Center in your estate planning is a simple way to create lasting impact. Your financial advisor can add a clause to your will or trust that designates either a fixed amount or percentage of your estate to support our mission and ensure continued services for generations to come.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Beneficiary Designations

You can help sustain Pursuit Center's mission for generations by naming us as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, or insurance annuity assets.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Special Needs Trust (SNT)

A Special Needs Trust (SNT) allows beneficiaries with disabilities to manage their assets while maintaining eligibility for SSI and Medicaid benefits. This specialized trust provides care and support for individuals with disabilities throughout their lifetime. Many families choose to name Pursuit Center as the beneficiary of the trust, ensuring that any remaining assets continue to support our mission of serving individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities after their loved one's passing.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Charitable Remainder Trust

A Charitable Remainder Trust allows you to support Pursuit Center while receiving income during your lifetime. This trust designates two beneficiaries—typically you and your chosen charitable organization. You receive a predetermined percentage of investment income from the trust during your lifetime or a set period. When the term ends, the remaining assets transfer to Pursuit Center to support our mission. This type of planned giving can offer significant tax benefits while creating lasting impact.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Charitable Lead Trust

A Charitable Lead Trust provides annual income to Pursuit Center during your lifetime while preserving assets for your beneficiaries. Unlike a Charitable Remainder Trust, this arrangement directs a percentage of investment income to support our mission annually. After your passing, your designated beneficiary receives the remaining assets. This type of planned giving can offer significant tax benefits while making an immediate and lasting impact on our community.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

IRA Charitable Rollover

Through an IRA Charitable Rollover, you can make tax-free gifts directly from your traditional or Roth IRA to Pursuit Center. This tax-efficient giving option allows you to support our mission while potentially reducing your taxable income (certain restrictions apply).

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Stocks & Securities

Make a lasting impact by donating stocks to Pursuit Center. When you gift stock owned for more than one year, you receive a charitable deduction for its full market value while avoiding capital gains tax on any appreciation. This tax-efficient giving option allows you to maximize your support of our mission while enjoying potential tax benefits.

Pursuit Center flower icon.

Contact the Development Team

If you have any questions about the benefits of a planned gift, please contact development at 713.525.8479, and we can work with you and your professional advisors to create a plan that is right for you.

Our Trusted Partners

Pursuit Center campus.

At Pursuit Center, community is at the heart of everything we do. It’s where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities discover their potential, families find peace of mind, and communities grow stronger through connection.

By blending recreation, employment services, and comprehensive care, we help our community pursue fulfilling lives while creating a ripple effect of positive change that inspires and enriches the world around them.